Mommy’s Ouchies

When you’re faced with something as life-altering as breast cancer everyone you see seems to look at you with fear filled cancer eyes but the last thing I wanted to do was let my 2 see or feel that fear. At two years old your life is supposed to be filled with fun filled play dates but those days stopped on February 16th when I received my diagnosis. Our lives have been turned upside down, but so has our sweet girls. Instead of spending her days learning letters and playing with mommy she is now watching everyone care for her mommy.


It breaks my heart to see her tear up when I tell her that mommy isn’t strong enough to pick her up right now, that I am not strong enough to tuck her in to bed, and mostly that I’m just too tired to play with her. But at the same time I don’t want to hide what is happening to me. I have done my best to explain that mommy has ouchies that need to heal but I am feeling better. Although it’s hard for her to understand my new or current limitations, letting her see the incisions seems to help remind her that she has to be careful around me so she is at least able to sit on my lap and play. It is my hope that she will gain early understanding and empathy from what we are all going through. We will face this together as a family…one day at a time.
