Rest and Recovery

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After a few days in the hospital, I am officially home and resting. I will admit that I although I was still in some pain from my first round of grafting in December, I really had blocked just how painful this aspect of my surgery was going to be, but the extreme muscle weakness and pain came flooding back into my mind, the moment my post-opt nurses tried to get me out of bed for the first time. To be completely honest, I am in a LOT of pain and I am moving really slow so far, but at least I am home. At this point there isn’t much that I can do on my own with the compression garments that I have to wear from my chest down to my knees. Ok, to be real, I cannot do anything on my own. My husband has to help me remove my compression garment so I can use the bathroom, I am not allowed to shower or take a bath yet so he has to help me sponge clean and wash my hair, and he literally lifts me into bed and wipes away the pain induced tears that fill my eyes when getting into bed.

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