Finally Home

I was released from Spectrum Blodgett Campus tonight, but was in a way released on red alert because my infection is not 100% out of my system. After surgery infections do not happen often, however they do happen and unfortunately I fell into that small statistic. Both my goal and my surgeon’s goal is to take care of this infection without having to remove my left breast tissue expander/spacer, so I left the hospital with two VERY strong antibiotics and a very determined mindset. It is my job to now become the “hypochondriac” that I have never wanted to be for the next 48 hours and call my surgeon if I notice or feel anything different before I see her in her office this Wednesday. The worst-case scenario would be for this infection to get worse and require the emergency removal of my expander so please keep your fingers crossed for me.

It’s good to be home and in my own bed, but I must again send a huge “thank you” to Dr Timek for making herself available to me on her weekend and to all of my doctors and nurses at Spectrum Blodgett for taking such amazing care of me over the past few days

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